Sunday, December 20, 2009

A photo to share

My mom looking willowy and lovely in her college coat. We were on a ferry in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday the 13th

Jon, Wil, and I have all, at one time, worked at a DVD Quality Control company that required us to watch movies and TV shows over and over again in various languages. A lot of these movies came from the Friday the 13th series. To keep from going insane, we wrote songs from the F13 world. The band is called Happy Campers in 3D. We use more cussing than in the past (hear Jon Mackey say the F word over 100 times through a vocoder in one song!). Enjoy!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

Hi Friends,

Over the weekend, I was thinking about our great, fun, tearful, video-taped Thanksgivings of years past. And it made me miss everyone. So to the scattered masses: I'm thankful for you all.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hi friends. I'm so excited, I have to share. You can get two free transatlantic flights on British airways by getting a Chase/BA credit card. Okay, so it's a credit card deal. But it's a reeeally good one. On the first purchase you get 50,000 miles (1 round trip flight). Then if you spend $2,000 in 93 days you get another 50,000 miles. I already got the first flight. It's a $75 fee, but so what? Will can visit his huerfanos queridos; Aaron can fly away to Saudi Arabia; Cheryl can go to Ethiopia...or we could all just go visit Claire :)

Happy (free) flying.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cool Old Things

This blog posts lot's of old Children's music, pretty sweet!
Way Out Junk

If you've never seen it, this is worth a watch. Mr. Rogers was an awesome man:

And made pretty music as well:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rebus Works

Hey! Rebus Works is one of my favorite galleries in Raleigh. There website features artists through their Daily Image Project. This week they're featuring seven of my images I submitted to their open call.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Japan sweetness + DKD

These music videos are so sweet:
Hibi no neiro

They're from the Japanese band Sour. They make your mind exercise.

At work yesterday, my worlds all collided. I was watching the second disc of "United States of Tara." At the end of the first episode, they used "That Knot Unties" by DKD! The Closed Captions thought the lyrics/song title were "That Night Unties." I was able to right this wrong. It felt extra good.

How is the fall for everyone?


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


D aily drop cap is a new project by graphic designer Jessica Hische. In the design world, Jessica is a well-known young designer and she recently quit her day job to focus on personal projects and freelance work. On she will release a new fancy initial and provide html code so that bloggers across the internet can use them to beautify their posts. Pretty neat!

Saturday, September 26, 2009



My earring packaging project from Prague, along with the work of some of my classmates, got published in a design book called Design School Confidential. It features international student work. Steven Heller and Lita Talarico selected the Prague Souvenir project my class did while abroad for inclusion in the book.

Prague Souvenirs

On page '115' there's a little picture and a heavily edited description of my earring project. If you click over to its Amazon page you can type '115' into the 'search inside this book' box, and see my project as well as the work of my classmates on previous and subsequent pages.

souvenir earrings

It's my first time being published in a real book!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Betsy Harris on NPR

Last night I went to the Nightlight to see Swan Quarter's final show. They were the headlining band, and they gave a fantastic performance. Hunter even made a guest appearance on the trumpet. Betsy Harris was there too, documenting the evening.

Because of her devotion to the local music scene, Betsy Harris was recently featured on The State of Things with Frank Stasio. I really enjoyed listening to her interview here on WUNC's website.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sad news about the Varsity.

So the Varsity theater, on Franklin Street, just closed down.

Shed a tear for all the great movies you saw in those semi-comfortable seats, and for all the times the projector screwed up right at the climax. Shed a tear for the Varsity.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Whooaaa, double blog!!@#$

June 22nd is "Stupid Guy Thing Day". I've been looking for lists on the internetz of "stupid guy things" to read to my old people on June 22nd, but I have a feeling my friends can do better. So boys, please enlighten us all and help my job performance by sharing the stupidest guy thing you've ever done. Ladies, feel free to contribute feats you've witnessed. Thanks, cher cher.

Friday, May 8, 2009

An old man yelled at me today. Not a demented old man, either. Not even a cranky old man. He thought I made a mistake. And so he yelled.

I can't remember the last time I was really pissed off. I don't know if I've ever been. But I was today. And then I went home and cried.

I miss this group of friends. And having everybody in one place together.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hi All! This article is very interesting--

Miss y'all lots.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Twinkie Day!

Twinkie Sushi... this is my kinda sushi... made with twinkies, fruit leather, and various candies.

This Twinkie Day the old people and I celebrated by playing floor hockey with a frozen twinkie. How did you celebrate Twinkie Day?

Love, Cheryl.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Garden Season

I've been starting my 2nd garden ever, and just like the first time, I've got a lot of questions for the pros. I decided to bring the pros and the newbs together and made a place where they can all get along and share information...I hope everybody considers a garden this time of year, and for those still local I'd be excited to see your garden at Holler to Hunter for helping get this rollin'


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Writing House

My friend Patrick (Squatty Pants, to some) is forming a summer-long writing community for this coming summer. His grandparents' idyllic Civil War era cabin in rural Burlington (not big city Burlington, mind you) will serve as house and home to 6-8 people who want to hone in on their writing skillz and possibly get something published with the encouragement of other like-minded folk. One of the 90 acres of property will be a garden, which will hopefully supply everyone with enough eats to be self sufficient and potentially make enough money selling cash crops to pay for the house's utilities (rent is free thanks to his grandparents!). Whether or not that works out, the Writing House bound to be a good time, so if any of you are interested and have a free-ish summer, let me know and I'll send you the official proposal once Squatty has finished it.

Spring cheer for all!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Meet Karl

Karlovy Most
Originally uploaded by jeremy pee
I adopted a puppy! His name his Karlheinz Garbanzo, and he goes by Karl. He likes playing at the park and sleeping on laps.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Annie in Mexico

I am currently in Mexio visitng Will seeing his boys, seeing the run of NPH, and trying to shade myself from the hot Mexican sun. Im really pleased I was able to buy a ticket to come see Memo.

Andrew is coming tomorrow too, and we are going to hang out some in Cuernavaca while Will is working.

Everything is bright, beautiful and dusty.

Friday, March 6, 2009

my first posty

I regret to say that this is my first post to the Tomorrow People...but something about this weather today filled my day with thoughts of my friends who have moved out of Chapel Hill (i.e. you guys). It also made me tihnk that regardless of what happened to me today, probably nothing could lessen my good mood. I even managed to hall a desk that probably weighs more than me across my apartment parking lot out of sheer exhilaration...and a love of dumpster diving.

Also, thanks Aaron - he always seems to make computers seem like tools to be used for my advantage, and not something I must suffer.

So: I am glad to finally be a part of tomorrow's people and look forward to reading through all the posts and hopefully updating myself on all your lives. It was a treat to see Katie and Will last week. Can't wait to hear about the rest of ya.

Much love, signing out,


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Put on your thinking caps

This guy did...and he's ridin' the easy train this year

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

15 albums.

I already tossed this up on the Facebook, but I figure I could put it here too. It's a list of 15 albums that I can reasonably call “life-changing,” in that they helped form (or defined the times that formed) who I am today. They're in a roughly chronological order.
  1. pearl jam - yield
  2. caedmon's call - caedmon's call
  3. rich mullins - the jesus record
  4. bob dylan - the essential bob dylan
  5. bruce springsteen - the greatest hits
  6. wilco - yankee hotel foxtrot
  7. ryan adams - gold
  8. derek webb - she must and shall go free
  9. casey trela - sugar-coated vegetables
  10. lambchop - is a woman
  11. the prayers and tears of arthur digby sellers - the mother of love emulates the shapes of cynthia
  12. the mountain goats - all hail west texas
  13. jason anderson - the wreath
  14. the microphones - don't wake me up
  15. anathallo - holiday at the sea EP

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Outside Joke

More videos from my roommate CC and other Carolina grads. Woot!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The big Apple

I'm going to New York on Monday! What would you do if you had a day and a half in the city?? (Randy, I'm really expecting you to shine here.)



Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mark Gormley

Sorry to be a such a YouTuber, but I think all should have the experience that is Mark Gormley.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Airplanes and Helicopters in the city

Hello, hello! I really miss you all too... Potlucks, shows, afternoons in the quad, etc.

Three photos to share. The first are some pretty incredible pictures my brother sent me of NY authorities pulling the airplane out of the Hudson after last weeks crash. (Everyone survived!) What a crazy miracle.

The last one isn't as heavy. It's a sidewalk artist.


i've always managed to snag real jobs that don't require real clothes. that's nice. and comfortable. nice because it's comfortable.

i miss you. you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


CC and Alec Wells have been filming one short a week. This week was rumors about Leslie Boggs.

Last week's was also awesome.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The wonder of Phil.

How does Phil Elverum do it? How does he know? The picture below is the stamps on the package in which he sent his album Lost Wisdom to me:

The lower right-hand stamp is a picture of Acadia National Park.

Could Phil have somehow known that the first time I ever really listened closely to one of his songs was when I first played a mix CD that was very special to me at the time, and on that mix CD the first song was “I Want Wind to Blow,” and I started playing this mix CD in my car as I crossed the bridge onto the island where the picture on this stamp was taken?

Did he know that his music was the soundtrack to half my late-night drives around Mt. Desert Island?

That, on the strength of his album with Jason Anderson (New England) and the stuff he recorded for Mirah, I decided to order Don't Wake Me Up? And that I fell right into that album and still have a special love for it?

And that not too long afterwards I got It Was Hot, We Stayed in the Water and The Glow, pt. 2? And that I would sing his songs to myself as I sat on the rocky beach or as I walked through the mountains, in mist or in sunshine or in rain?

And that I, too, could not get through September without a battle?

And that quickly forgetting was also the way that I lived my life, but then I too tried to leave home and live as if I'd died, and often sat on dark rocks doing nothing?

And that his songs about the lakes and waters and mountains in the Pacific Northwest, which would never really fit the North Carolina coast, really sounded right in Maine? And his music always brings to mind the kind of thing that is on the Maine stamp?

Did Phil know?

Also, Lost Wisdom is a beautiful album.

Free GMail Stickers

Google's Student Blog is offering some cool stickers at Gmail sticker fun. Just send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to:

Send me some Gmail stickers already
P.O. Box 391420
Mountain View, CA 94039-1420

Not bad, eh? Thanks Google. Maybe this will get me to start using Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blogs: A New Beginning

For some reason I've always been hesitant to join the blogging world--I've put up this wall that's banned me from becomming too involved with on-line social networks.  I guess it seemed too far from reality, but it is very real!  I've spent the past few weeks digging around all of the great new tools the internet have to offer, and I'm really eager to involve myself in it.  Seeing the White House and the Vatican open their doors this past week have only been more inspiration to join the new web.

Anywho, I'm going to Saudi Arabia to study in September, and it seems that reconnecting with the web will be the best way to stay connected with good people.  Sooo, I'm probably going to be teaching myself some web development tools if anybody cares to join me or share some advice!  Anywho this page is great! Thanks to whoever made it! 

Friday, January 9, 2009

No Julian Child.

Little Chef Julian's story had such promise. How cool would it be if a five-year-old really could design delicious and inventive recipes? Alas, it was a little too good to be true.

To his credit, Jeremy tried to warn me that anything would taste 'yummy yummy' to a five-year-old tongue given enough powdered sugar was sprinkled on top. But, he just made it look so good.

The proportions of the recipe demonstrated by Julian did not match the recipe that was flashed up on the screen at the very end of the show (perhaps this was the first sign of trouble). We opted to use the written recipe given that Julian didn't always give concrete amounts. Both recipes were conspicuously missing eggs.

After mixing all the ingredients our dough didn't look much like dough. It was runny and sticky, despite the fact that we'd put in tons of flour. After making a gooey mess, we had to abandon rolling the dough out and just plopped it all onto a greased cookie sheet. Fifteen minutes later a cakey blob emerged from the oven which tasted basically like flour with a hint of cinnamon. No sweetness or citrus flavor, even though it contained the juice of eight clementines.

I did enjoy myself though! Going in I had no real expectations, just a curiosity to satisfy. The resultant blob caused me to laugh uncontrollably (sorry Jeremy). I thought I'd update you all, I don't want anyone else wasting their clementines.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Big Kitchen with Food

This video just made my day. Little chef Julian has his own cooking show called The Big Kitchen with Food on Portland cable access TV. He loves cooking and has even created his own recipes. Jeremy and I have been cooking together a lot over the past few months and I've gotten a lot of satisfaction out of preparing my own meals and learning a new skill. It took me 20-plus years to start taking cooking seriously, I think it's incredible that a 5-year-old can have this sort of focus. Also, he's adorable. Obviously.

I just might have to try out his recipe for "Yummy Yummy Citrus Boys" and report back.