Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mark Gormley

Sorry to be a such a YouTuber, but I think all should have the experience that is Mark Gormley.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Airplanes and Helicopters in the city

Hello, hello! I really miss you all too... Potlucks, shows, afternoons in the quad, etc.

Three photos to share. The first are some pretty incredible pictures my brother sent me of NY authorities pulling the airplane out of the Hudson after last weeks crash. (Everyone survived!) What a crazy miracle.

The last one isn't as heavy. It's a sidewalk artist.


i've always managed to snag real jobs that don't require real clothes. that's nice. and comfortable. nice because it's comfortable.

i miss you. you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


CC and Alec Wells have been filming one short a week. This week was rumors about Leslie Boggs.

Last week's was also awesome.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The wonder of Phil.

How does Phil Elverum do it? How does he know? The picture below is the stamps on the package in which he sent his album Lost Wisdom to me:

The lower right-hand stamp is a picture of Acadia National Park.

Could Phil have somehow known that the first time I ever really listened closely to one of his songs was when I first played a mix CD that was very special to me at the time, and on that mix CD the first song was “I Want Wind to Blow,” and I started playing this mix CD in my car as I crossed the bridge onto the island where the picture on this stamp was taken?

Did he know that his music was the soundtrack to half my late-night drives around Mt. Desert Island?

That, on the strength of his album with Jason Anderson (New England) and the stuff he recorded for Mirah, I decided to order Don't Wake Me Up? And that I fell right into that album and still have a special love for it?

And that not too long afterwards I got It Was Hot, We Stayed in the Water and The Glow, pt. 2? And that I would sing his songs to myself as I sat on the rocky beach or as I walked through the mountains, in mist or in sunshine or in rain?

And that I, too, could not get through September without a battle?

And that quickly forgetting was also the way that I lived my life, but then I too tried to leave home and live as if I'd died, and often sat on dark rocks doing nothing?

And that his songs about the lakes and waters and mountains in the Pacific Northwest, which would never really fit the North Carolina coast, really sounded right in Maine? And his music always brings to mind the kind of thing that is on the Maine stamp?

Did Phil know?

Also, Lost Wisdom is a beautiful album.

Free GMail Stickers

Google's Student Blog is offering some cool stickers at Gmail sticker fun. Just send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to:

Send me some Gmail stickers already
P.O. Box 391420
Mountain View, CA 94039-1420

Not bad, eh? Thanks Google. Maybe this will get me to start using Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blogs: A New Beginning

For some reason I've always been hesitant to join the blogging world--I've put up this wall that's banned me from becomming too involved with on-line social networks.  I guess it seemed too far from reality, but it is very real!  I've spent the past few weeks digging around all of the great new tools the internet have to offer, and I'm really eager to involve myself in it.  Seeing the White House and the Vatican open their doors this past week have only been more inspiration to join the new web.

Anywho, I'm going to Saudi Arabia to study in September, and it seems that reconnecting with the web will be the best way to stay connected with good people.  Sooo, I'm probably going to be teaching myself some web development tools if anybody cares to join me or share some advice!  Anywho this page is great! Thanks to whoever made it! 

Friday, January 9, 2009

No Julian Child.

Little Chef Julian's story had such promise. How cool would it be if a five-year-old really could design delicious and inventive recipes? Alas, it was a little too good to be true.

To his credit, Jeremy tried to warn me that anything would taste 'yummy yummy' to a five-year-old tongue given enough powdered sugar was sprinkled on top. But, he just made it look so good.

The proportions of the recipe demonstrated by Julian did not match the recipe that was flashed up on the screen at the very end of the show (perhaps this was the first sign of trouble). We opted to use the written recipe given that Julian didn't always give concrete amounts. Both recipes were conspicuously missing eggs.

After mixing all the ingredients our dough didn't look much like dough. It was runny and sticky, despite the fact that we'd put in tons of flour. After making a gooey mess, we had to abandon rolling the dough out and just plopped it all onto a greased cookie sheet. Fifteen minutes later a cakey blob emerged from the oven which tasted basically like flour with a hint of cinnamon. No sweetness or citrus flavor, even though it contained the juice of eight clementines.

I did enjoy myself though! Going in I had no real expectations, just a curiosity to satisfy. The resultant blob caused me to laugh uncontrollably (sorry Jeremy). I thought I'd update you all, I don't want anyone else wasting their clementines.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Big Kitchen with Food

This video just made my day. Little chef Julian has his own cooking show called The Big Kitchen with Food on Portland cable access TV. He loves cooking and has even created his own recipes. Jeremy and I have been cooking together a lot over the past few months and I've gotten a lot of satisfaction out of preparing my own meals and learning a new skill. It took me 20-plus years to start taking cooking seriously, I think it's incredible that a 5-year-old can have this sort of focus. Also, he's adorable. Obviously.

I just might have to try out his recipe for "Yummy Yummy Citrus Boys" and report back.