Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rebus Works

Hey! Rebus Works is one of my favorite galleries in Raleigh. There website features artists through their Daily Image Project. This week they're featuring seven of my images I submitted to their open call.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Japan sweetness + DKD

These music videos are so sweet:
Hibi no neiro

They're from the Japanese band Sour. They make your mind exercise.

At work yesterday, my worlds all collided. I was watching the second disc of "United States of Tara." At the end of the first episode, they used "That Knot Unties" by DKD! The Closed Captions thought the lyrics/song title were "That Night Unties." I was able to right this wrong. It felt extra good.

How is the fall for everyone?
